Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I have a friend who may have attempted suicide this week, at least she has seriously considered it. I once considered this option when I was in high school. I was in a situation that seemed hopeless, and I didn't know what to do. I wanted out of it, but couldn't see the light. I really wasn't even sure of what I wanted. That is where this friend is. She knows what she is dealing with is wrong, but she doesn't know how to change it or even if she should change it. How sad to see no hope. That, combined with an article I read this week about how poor people in America live, made me think how truly blessed my children are. They may have a father with a bad temper, and a mother who is scatter-brained and flies off the handle at times, but they have never been abused, nor do they question our love for them. They are healthy, and if they weren't we would go to the doctor. They eat good food every day; not once have they gone without eating. They have a warm, dry home without snakes or other critters coming through the floor. Their parents don't smoke, drink, gamble, fight, run-around, neglect, or abuse them. My children know nothing but love. Dear Lord, please bless all the children living in your world this night with love, healing, food, comfort, and hope. Even if just for this one night, let them know You care.

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