Sunday, April 08, 2007

Well, here I am back again. A bit of hit and miss lately, sorry. I was feeling much better by Weds. and Thursday didn't even take the medicines. So Friday I had sat still long enough and went outside to work. I trimmed the goats' hooves, spread fertilizer and helped fix the chicken coop. By Friday evening I was miserable again. So back to the meds I went. I guess I have a problem knowing when to slow down. The kids did well on their standardized tests, at least they think. But I looked at the test booklets when they were done and the material looked easy for them. They keep asking me why home-schooled kids are smarter than other kids. I keep assuring them that they aren't, but that they are privileged to get more attention and so can thrive more easily. I think they like thinking they are smarter though. Today is Easter. This is a great holiday for me. There isn't much in the way of preparation, shopping, decorating, etc. Boil some eggs and pass along some chocolates. The boys like to color eggs- and if they are beautiful enough the Easter Bunny hides them!- and they enjoy making the Ressurection cookies that we do each year. They are getting to the point now that they know what is coming next in the recipe/story. I enjoy the flowers and bursts of spring that occur during the holiday. This part of the country has the most beautiful spring scenery. But maybe the best part of Easter is the memory each year of my hubby asking me to marry him. He filled an Easter basket with plastic eggs. Each egg had a note in it about how much he loved me and wanted to spend his life with me. Then he had me open an egg that had a wonderful letter in it. Then came the final egg that had the ring. He got down on one knee and begged me to marry him- well that is how I remember it anyway. He is a good husband and I have never regretted my answer. Happy Anniversary Honey!

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