Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Hoeing lasted about half an hour. #1 helped me, and we got a good bit done, but I could tell that I needed to stop. I had another adjustment today, and now my neck and head ache a little. The neck adjustments are helping my TMJ, which is not why I went, but a nice bonus. I have gone long enough now that I got a free certificate for my husband to go. He gets his first visit tomorrow. We have entered a new stage with our children. They have had friends over for the night before, and they actually sleep fairly well. Last night we had 3 boys over for a backyard campout, and there was precious little sleeping going on! #1 and his friend came in at 12:30 to use the bathroom, and they were all up by 6:00, some earlier. They had a great time, and I love having all the kids over. They slept in tents and played outside in the dark. It was great weather for it. I remember sleepovers when I was a kid. Lots of fun.

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