Thursday, October 16, 2008

I watched the debates last night with #1. That was a chore because he kept talking through it, and I didn't get to hear all of the answers. #1 is interested in Obama. I was trying to get him to use some of the skills we have been working on in the Viewpoints class to walk through some thoughts with him. He likes Obama basically because he has seen Obama's commercials. I discussed what does it mean if the other player tells you all of the information? He is biased. #1 agreed, but still likes Obama's commercials better. The sad part is that, no matter which way you vote, a lot of people will vote only because of the commercials that they have seen. I am hoping apathy will work on this election and those who really haven't researched the issues will just stay home and remain apathetic. On the other hand, I have recently started questioning my view of socialism. Hubby said, "Finally." Anyway, I have always had socialist views, because I am a compassionate person. (IMHO) But now that the government wants to take my money and pay people who are making bad decisions or who are not trying to make their lives better, I want to have something to say about it. I guess that makes me a communist. I really think that socialism works well if you aren't dealing with humans. But greed and power hungry people get in the way and mess it all up. I liked Ron Paul's philosophy that we should get rid of as many taxes and government as possible, and just let the people decide how to use their money. Americans have a history of being generous and helpful. That history, along with having more money in your pocket, will let the citizens choose whom they would like to help. That is the socialism I am for. Heaven can't come soon enough.

1 comment:

SCV22867 said...

I just put an article I wrote on this subject on my blog. I think it is along the lines of what you are saying. It is long.