Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A lot of people church shop. They look around until they find a place that fits their family's needs, and then they give it a trial run for 6 months or so, and then they think they may choose that church officially. A minister's family doesn't get that choice. You go where the job is, and in my opinion, where God sends you.
Church is an important part of my life. It is where I find comfort, friendship, community, and God. I can't imagine moving somewhere and not having a church to attend. Yet, I often wonder if I would choose the churches that God chooses for me. If I were able to shop around, would I stop where I have landed?
The answer in Texas was a resounding, "NO!" The place was run like a business, and little thought went into the souls of the members. Eventually I was given the option to look around for a church, and I knew when I had found it. It was a good place to be, people asked about my spiritual condition, and the Lord was served there. I went home after the first time visiting, and asked my husband why we couldn't attend that church. It was a home for me right away.
The church where I am now, that I have not gotten to choose, is home for me. I found that out a few weeks ago when we visited another church. It was a large church, and I fully expected to enjoy my visit. But it wasn't "home" to me. People didn't sing, the children weren't involved, and women did absolutely nothing during the service. I discovered that I missed my little congregation here in Carolina. It was a good discovery.
I do wish more children go to our church, so that my boys could have some more church friends their age. But as I looked around me at the big church, I realized my kids are so much better off. They get to help with services, they enjoy being where others treat them like family, and spiritually I do believe they are being fed and are growing. I suddenly realized at that other church, that I really don't care that there aren't more kids here.
God put us just where we need to be, and He did it just right.
We got the X-ray reports back on #1 and he does have some slight scoliosis. They want to do another series of X-rays on him in 6 months to make sure it isn't progressing.
The boys watched a Charlie Brown special last night. This morning #1 wrote a letter to the Great Pumpkin. I told him it isn't real, but he didn't seem to believe me. I am positive that boy will grow into a fiction writer.

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