Saturday, October 04, 2008

My mother made it to us on Tuesday. I left her with a list of places to go, and directions to get there. I have heard from them several times, and so far they haven't gotten lost. Hubby and I left on Wednesday afternoon.
The conference we attended was a Zoe conference on Leadership. Scot McKnight was the main speaker. It was a good time to slow down and start thinking of my relationship with God and Christ. Now Hubby is at the other Zoe conference on Worship, and I am having some alone time with my Lord. That was the way I planned it a couple of weeks ago. I thought about spending my free time with friends in the Nashville area, but realized I really needed to spend time with my Best Friend.
So last night I started with a bath, so God could have me fresh and clean. I tried for a little "symbolism" and came to God naked, with unkempt hair and no make-up. Surely God sees me at my ugliest, and I wanted to feel that way. I want to be open and honest with God on this personal retreat of mine.
Today I have been spending time in the Word and in prayer. I am working through a book called, Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World. I am going through it slowly, and that is best. There are several questions with each chapter to help me reflect on what I need to hear from the Spirit.
A few weeks ago, the chapter was on slowing down and prioritizing. Would you believe I felt so busy that I purposely put it off until this retreat?! That told me right away that I was too busy.
So this afternoon my plan is to go outside somewhere and prioritize with God as my Counselor. I have warned Hubby that things are going to change after my retreat. I am making this public so that the thought of losing face will help to spur me on to success.
Now I am going to take a break from the reading and praying to pack up our room. I hope God understands that too much time all at once with him can be overwhelming.
Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business, and to work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody. 1 Thes 4:11-12

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