Thursday, October 23, 2008

Tell me how you get chocolate up your nose when you lick a beater. This kid always has chocolate on his face. In fact, "chocolate" was his first word after mommy and daddy. No kidding. The whole family has been struggling with health issues. I guess I will have to take #2 to the doctor. He has a sinus infection, I think, and the kefir isn't kicking it well enough. He is coughing too, and has been for several weeks. Bad Mother Award, I know. (Kelly was actually ok, just enjoying the sleeping bag that was left in the kitchen.)
The kids popped corn over the propane stove when we were camping. We were told by the Boy Scout Master that we could do it over the fire, but it was too hot for us. The stove worked well. You can see how wet the boys' backs are.

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