Friday, January 09, 2009

Listen Carefully

Electricity was on all day yesterday. It surprised and excited me every time I walked into a room and flipped a switch. Lighting up a room at a flip of the switch is a remarkable thing! We picked up a little friend for #2 yesterday so they could spend the day playing. We took him to the gym with us, they played outside and inside, they went to #1's basketball practice together, and then when I took him home, we stayed for a few hours visiting. They are best buds. On Tuesday at our 4-H meeting, one of the moms saw the two of them fighting and assumed it was a real fight. She broke it up and reprimanded them. Later as I talked to the mom of the best bud, she told me that they weren't fighting but playing. I reassured her that that was what #2 had said as well. They were calling each other names according to this other mother. When asked about that we found out that they call each other Twinkletoes and Hopscotch from a movie. They are good kids and the mom should have listened more carefully. Then as we were driving to the friend's house last night, #2 asked, "Mom what's Lebanon?" "Well, it's a city and a country." "That's weird. It's supposed to be a bad thing." "I don't think Lebanon is a bad thing." "Well, Christa said some girls at school were calling someone a lebanon and it is a really mean thing to call someone." "Really? I've never heard anyone call someone a Lebanon." Then it started to sink in. I know I'm slow. "Do you think it was lesbian?" "Yeah! That was it! What's a lesbian?" Maybe I should stop listening.

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