Tuesday, January 13, 2009

War, What Is It Good For?

Hubby and I managed a date last weekend to see Valkyrie. It is the telling of a story about a coup against Hitler. Tom Cruise doesn't try to act German, but just to tell the story. I liked it. It gave me hope that there are still good people even when you don't see any around. I guess it is like Elijah running away and God saying He has thousands of people who are faithful to Him. Don't believe all the media hype. Last night I watched another movie, Lucky Star. I got it from Netflix, unaware that it is a silent movie. I knew the date it was made was 1929. #1 and I watched it together. The message was good, even when no one around you is doing the right thing, you should still do the right thing. It was a movie about WW1. We are studying WW1 and WW2 this semester. We just finished a book, Red Moon at Sharpsburg, about the Civil War. (It was being finished from last semester.) War really doesn't have anything good about it. I suppose the outcome is what ends up good. Slavery is ended, menacing, powerful countries are put where they belong, and people are saved from hatred. This war we are in now, I hope, will end with people freed from oppressive tyrants. If only our leaders could see all of the places that need freed from tyranny. Come Lord Jesus.

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