Saturday, January 02, 2010

Sweet Angels

Christmas morning looks different for my boys. I have almost always had to wake #1 for Christmas morning. I don't normally have to wake him, unless it is a school day, but for some reason he sleeps through Christmas.
#2, on the other hand, was up early and waiting in the living room to get to it! He slept until 10:30 yesterday though. Too much partying with the dog, I suppose.
The New Year has just begun, and I am behind already. When we were returning from WV, #1 asked what the plans were for the last week of vacation. I told him projects. He sighed and said he was tired of projects. "Oh, not 4-H projects. Mom projects." We have been able to accomplish quite a lot this week...finish painting the hallway, clear out junk, prune the holly bush, etc....but there is still so much I had wanted to accomplish.
I made soup yesterday in my new programmable crockpot, and I will can it today. We like soup for lunch and that makes school days easier if it is canned and ready to go ahead of time. I also have other cooking projects started, so we can freeze and be ready.
All of this preparedness seems to be wearing on my family though. The other day we were out running errands and I made some comment about the boys being nuts. Then Hubby said something, and I decided they all were nuts. I rolled down my window and pretended to yell, "Help! Let me out of here!" #1 promptly reached up and undid my seatbelt, and #2 said, "Go ahead and get out, Mom. No one is stopping you." Aren't they sweet?

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