Monday, January 18, 2010

The Way He Moves

#1 has started basketball again. He played several years ago in an Upward league with the Baptist church. We didn't care for it, and sat out for a few years. Then last year, #1 decided he wanted to try basketball again. This time we went with the Community Schools and Rec program. He had a great time last year, though he never scored, and I am not certain he always knew what he was doing. At the end of the season, his coach complimented us on a good boy who always listened and was polite. Good to hear as a parent, but probably not what an athlete wants to hear.
So last week was the first game. The team got TROUNCED. In the second half they looked a little like a basketball team, but the first half was miserable. They lost: 34-17.
This past Saturday was their second game, again they lost, but not as badly. #1 was more aggressive this time. We spent several conversations suggesting aggressiveness to him. His dad spent some time on defensive moves. Perhaps it helped. He did actually get the ball a few times.
And FINALLY he made his first score on a team. He was fouled and got two free throws. He made the first.
He missed the second. It didn't seem to matter; I have heard him mention several times this week that he made a point. Maybe it will be the confidence booster that he needs.
#1 goes to a Red Cross babysitting class tomorrow. He will learn first aid and infant CPR. First Aid and CPR were on his curriculum list for middle school, and when I heard of this class opening up I thought it was perfect. The instructor will be a man and there are at least two other guys enrolled, so I hope it goes well. I had to pack his lunch this evening.
After nearly eight years, I still get apprehensive about packing his lunch. When he was in public school, lunches were an issue. For some reason the kids made fun of his lunches and it was always an ordeal. I never knew if something would be the butt of a joke or induce painful teasing. Buying lunch didn't seem to be the answer either.
I made a chicken salad sandwich on fresh bread. I think there could be some comment made about the bread, but hopefully no one will notice. Everything else is prepackaged, so teasing or comments should be kept at a minimal. Ugh. I hate peer pressure.

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