Friday, January 01, 2010


I have a dog hangover. We tried to stay up late last night to ring in the New Year, but I just couldn't make it. After watching Star Wars, the real #1!, and The Court Jester with Danny Kaye, Hubby and I headed to bed. The boys were going to watch Phantom Menace, the real #1 to their generation, and stayed up later. At midnight I woke to the sounds of the boys yelling "Happy New Year" and then fireworks in the neighborhood. That sent Kelly over the edge, and she started scratching at our door. We have learned to lock the door so she can't push it open in the middle of the night. So I went to comfort her for about 10 minutes, and then left her in the hallway as normal. About 2:00 she started scratching at the door again, so I went to let her out. She didn't want out, but came in our room. I gave in at that point. She quickly went to sleep on Hubby's side of the bed, and then she commenced having strange dreams. She howled, snorted, whined, and who knows what else, most of the night. So, even though we went to bed at a decent hour, had no special foods or drinks, embibed in no forbidden fruits, we still suffer hangovers! The bb gun isn't strong enough for what we would like to do. Happy New Year!

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