Thursday, May 06, 2010

Would You Like Some Cheese with That Whine?

We went to the beach yesterday to meet up with Hubby's aunt, uncle, and parents for a few hours. They are staying there this week and it is about an hour and fifteen minutes from here. The weather was crazy with fog rolling in and out all day long. #2 said he sure did wish we could get away from it all and spend a week at the beach. I asked him what it is that he would be getting away from. He answered all of the 4H tension and stress. There does seem to be a bit of it lately. #1 told me last night that he just isn't so sure that he wants to be in 4H. I assured him that he would feel differently in another week. It is presentation time and with all of the other things going in our life we are having to throw them together in a short amount of time. #1 is doing a presentation on puppets from around the world, and #2 is working on one about wildfire and prescribed burns. His is very nearly done. I hope that we will complete #1's this evening. The in-laws are coming tomorrow to stay for the weekend, and then my parents are coming to stay on Monday for a couple of days. We love seeing them, and the boys are irritated that they will have to practice their presentations and give them for the county while the grandparents are here. Life goes on whether there is company or not. Soon, though, the summer starts for real and we are all looking forward to it!

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