Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Have you ever felt played for the fool? Boy did I this morning. Millie has had such a hard time getting onto the milk stand and I thought it must be too tall for her. We put a ramp on it and she still has trouble getting up. I used chicken feed to entice her up yesterday and that went much more smoothly. Those goats love that chicken feed! So today when she saw I had chicken feed again, Millie jumped right up on the stand. It wasn't even a running jump; she just hopped up! It's all in the motivation. My boys present their river basin talks today at co-op. They have a few pictures to show on power point. I saw a lesson plan/objectives list for science a couple weeks ago that required a power point presentation from 4th graders. I though that was a bit much, but here go my 2 and 4 graders doing their thing. We have cooked apricot scones and Tsu-Ya-Ga ( Cherokee for bean bread) for our region. They enjoyed the cooking yesterday. Today is errand day and I need to go to Rocky Mount to pick up honey and sweeteners. Trying to cut back on sugar- but it takes a bit of work when you have to drive that far.

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