Wednesday, August 23, 2006

It's a rainy morning and the kids are still in bed. Perhaps yesterday was as exhausting as I felt it was! I am saving Tuesdays for running errands after our geography co-op. That meant yesterday we were gone from 10-5! Hopefully not every Tuesday will be that way. I milked Millie last night and this morning. She wasn't as cantankerous as I expected her to be. Thank goodness. This morning went better as I learned a little trick to get her on the stand- grab her hiney! I guess getting goosed does something for every woman. I'm not getting as much milk as I had hoped, but maybe we will both get better at this with time. I walk/jogged today in the rain. I keep telling myself that if something is important to you, you will make time or find a way to do it. Nouwen talked about it again as he was trying to figure out how he will continue to pray when he gets out of the monastery. Making sure everyone knows your schedule and then not giving in for anything was what his abbot suggested. I guess that is what the blog does for me- makes me accountable, even if just to cyberspace. Another intriguing thought in this morning's reading: A Polish Jew prayed for people in Aushwitz, but when nothing seemed to happen he stopped praying. Then he started again. When asked why he started again, he answered that he felt sorry for God- look at who he was left with. He had compassion for God and a deep relationship with Him to feel what He felt. It reminded me of the prayer I prayed last spring, that God would make me see what He sees and feel what He feels. I didn't particularly like the way it made me feel. I remember getting very tired. I am glad God is big enough to handle the problems of the world, but maybe it would make Him feel less lonesome if we joined in the process.

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