Thursday, November 09, 2006

I let the chicks and duck out of their hutch a few days ago. I was worried that they would be killed by the other chickens/roosters, but they are holding their own. Chuck, the duck who thinks it is a chicken, is very much a mother hen. It calls to the chicks and tries to keep them close, and even hisses at the hens who try to peck them. Chuck still doesn't quack. Today as I was milking Millie, the chicks came up on the stanchion with me and checked things out. They would sit on my lap or run around my feet. Then one flew up on the milk bowl to look around. What a fun way to start the day. _________________ Glad we got the heater in when we did. It is supposed to be in the 70s and 80s the next several days!!

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