Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Oh how quickly a house can fall apart!! Monday I was so happy to just be at home and get through the day peacefully. Quietly cleaning, teaching, rearing children; it was so pleasant. Yesterday I needed to be gone most of the day and so now that wonderful homey feeling is gone, mixed up with the mail, dirty laundry and dishes, toys that need putting away, and calls that need to be made. ______________ We watched a movie last night, King Arthur. Sometimes there is a reason that you don't hear much about a movie. There was a lot of fighting and gore, and the story line was confusing. I had thought it might be a good one to watch since we were doing so much Middle Ages stuff lately, but not really. Honey took the boys to see Flushed Away and they thought it was good. Bathroom topics and animated James Bond doesn't appeal to me.

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