Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Last week our focus was on simplicity. Here are a couple of readings that I enjoyed: "Those who love money never have enough; those who love wealth are never satisfied with their income. This too is meaningless." Ecc. 5:10 "The sinful worship of Mammon does not consist in eating and drinking and wearing clothes, nor in looking for a way to make a living and working at it; for the needs of this life and of the body make food and clothing a requirement. But the sin consists in being concerned about it and making it the reliance and confidence of your heart. Concern does not stick to clothing or to food, but directly to the heart, which cannot let a thing go and has to hang on to it." Martin Luther, The Place of Trust Recently some friends and I were discussing Abraham's ability to sacrifice Isaac. We determined that even though he had many possessions, he was possessed by none of them. I hope I can say the same.

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