Tuesday, January 16, 2007

This week's SGG reading is from Thomas a` Kempis. It was translated by William Griffin and I really enjoyed it. Here are a few lines: Plan to take some time off, and give some thought as to what you would do with that time; hopefully, you'll spend part of it reviewing God's favors to you in the past. ... Most of the Saints did just that, avoided collaborative projects whenever they could, choosing instead to spend some private time with God. ... The person who wants to arrive at interiority and spirituality has to leave the crowd behind and spend some time with Jesus. ... Nobody's comfortable in public unless he's spent a good deal of time in the quiet of his home. Nobody speaks with assurance who hasn't learned to hold his tongue. Nobody's a success as general who hasn't already survived as a soldier. Nobody respects decrees who hasn't already obeyed writs. ... In quiet and silence the faithful soul makes progress, the hidden meanings of the scriptures become clear, and the eyes weep with devotion every night. ... As one divests himself of friends and aquaintances, he is visited by God and his holy angels. ... Why do you want to go out and see what you shouldn't need to see? ... What can you see on the outside that will survive the sun? Perhaps you believe you can find satisfaction out there somewhere, but truth to tell, you still can't reach it. ... As for the common wisdom, if you hadn't gone out, you wouldn't have heard the disturbing rumors; better for you to have stayed home in blissful ignorance. I know it isn't possible, or plausible, to put myself in a cell like a monk, but there is something wise about staying home and having quiet. My resolution from 1 Thess wasn't just about not being too busy, but was about being busy at home. I need to remember that. ------------ #2 got a phone call from the newspaper yesterday afternoon. They want to do a story on his birthday party and donating items to the animal shelter. It is not out of character for him to be so generous. Yesterday, when his brother had temporarily lost a few of his chess pieces, #2 wanted to give #1 his Toys-R-Us gift card that he got for his birthday.

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