Thursday, November 06, 2008

Hubby is going on a retreat this weekend with the men from church. Then next week I leave with the kids to go visit my parents and Hubby's grandmother. So we have decided to go out for breakfast for a date. One of the things that came out of my personal retreat last month was that I need to date my husband more often. I think going out in the day time is safer for us. The boys are still kind of young to leave alone at night; I think they would get scared. Plus, I don't think they are ready for us to be gone for long, so breakfast or lunch is a good time span. We actually went to lunch last week while they were in a day camp, so I guess this isn't a "necessary" date to fill my retreat requirements, but we like each other and want a little time together. -------- Fish are still alive. Sigh.

1 comment:

AnneConover said...

you could always go to the bathroom sink to put fresh water in the fishbowl and trip over something the boys inadvertently left on the floor and the fish could accidently slide into the toilet and then you go to "fish" them out and accidentally flush them instead!