Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I'm Back

Overwhelmed. Yep. That's how I feel. And Exhausted. That should be on the list, too. I have been in WV for about a week taking care of my husband's grandmother. She is 94 years old, and her body is still very strong and active. Her mind is failing though. I answered the same questions for four days. It was a bit humorous though; her reaction to my answers was always genuine...and identical. She was appalled that I don't drink coffee, every time we ate. She was amazed at the weather forecast, that she read every five minutes. She was angered at her daughters for taking away the car, every time we went somewhere. She and I went to visit the other grandmother who lives in another town. We went out to eat several times. I took her to the grocery. It was a pleasant time. I got a lot of knitting done, and worked on a wedding movie for Hubby's cousin. But it was also stressful to have to be the one to tell her daughters that Grandma's time of freedom is over. She needs someone to watch over her and make sure she eats and doesn't fall. She fell once under my "watchful eye" and I was sure we were headed to the hospital. But she didn't break a thing! When I arrived on Thursday, she had a big knot and bruise on her forehead from another fall she had taken. I was able to visit my in-laws a bit while I was there, and I spent one night with my parents before I headed back. On the drive back, I took a fall myself in a convenience store. I tripped over some bottled water, and landed very hard on a tile floor. Yesterday my whole left side was stiff and sore. My elbow is still tender, but I think I am recovering. When we got back into town, we had an hour to prepare for a County Council 4-H meeting. So we grabbed a little pizza, fed the animals, packed up the computer and headed out. Yesterday was a catch up day in school, plus a 4-H meeting helping out at Give 2 the Troops, art class for the boys, a phone conference with UNC, and play practice for #1 that lasted until 9:30 p.m. I also had the "extra kids" yesterday, as well as today and tomorrow. Tonight is my annual global education conference that I attend at the local university. The play is Friday and Saturday. I have kids MTW next week and then comes Thanksgiving. The house is being rewired. Other 4-H events are forthcoming. I am studying for the GRE. And I am Overwhelmed and Exhausted. It should definitely slow down after Thanksgiving, so I am hanging on until then.

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