Saturday, November 08, 2008

Just blurbs today... #1 just finished his soccer game and second season. Today was the tournament day, and they were done after the first game. They didn't play well this year, but they did improve, especially#1. I am definitely NOT a soccer mom, but I am glad he enjoys playing with a team. I am also glad they didn't go on in the tournament...It started pouring rain as soon as we walked off the field! -------- The movie lessons last night are to be continued. The teacher was having trouble too, so it isn't just the student. That makes me feel better. ------- I did get a little response from the university, but I MAY have found another option. I am waiting back for an email from UNC. They have a program that sounds exactly like what I am looking for. YeeHaw! (I hope.) -------- The retreat that Hubby is on is his second one since we have been here. The first was when we had lived here a week! He left me and the kids with a pile of boxes and took off for the mountains. Actually, we all thought it would be a good way for him to meet some of the guys and get a little handle on the church. It is supposed to turn cold this weekend, so I hope he packed well. -------- Co-op is over for the Fall session. I taught two classes on Evaluating Viewpoints and had a great time. I really like teaching kids who want to learn. I also co-taught it and that made a world of difference! I only had to prepare for half of the sessions. The boys had a good time in their classes as well. The Spring co-op will be a new challenge for me. I am helping to run the registration. -------- I am ignoring a messy house.

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