Monday, November 03, 2008

It is starting to look like Fall around here. A few of the trees are turning colors and losing their leaves. The sky is cloudy, and breezes keep stirring things up. Then of course there are the Christmas Carols and Wish Lists. I know that doesn't make much sense, but as soon as Halloween is over, the kids start thinking about the next holiday! A friend gave us a piano book of Christmas carols, so they have been trying those out. #1 is playing "Noel" right now. #2 wrote a wish list the other day along with a note about what he likes to do for fun, and what a good kid he is. He isn't very subtle. The animals have had me laughing lately. Yesterday I was trying to pour out the water from the fish jar, and one of the little boogers slipped out. I tried to pick it up (ugh) and get it back in the jar, but every time I got hold of it, it would flip out of control and end up in the sink again. I was laughing so hard I could hardly hold the jar. Yes, they are both still alive! Then this morning the dog pushed the bedroom door open, stomped inside, and threw herself down on Hubby's rug. It sounded like she was throwing a temper tantrum. Later I found out she was! She had been outside barking at cars in the road, and Hubby brought her inside. Then he wouldn't let her stay in the living room with the boys. So I guess she thought she would show him! This afternoon I gave her a bath. ( My kids learned a new phrase today, "You stink to High Heaven.") She had to be pulled into the bathroom, and then she refused to look at me. She's a character. Then there was feeding the scraps to the animals. I took the bucket of scraps out to the field and dumped them over the fence. Pete, the cat, wanted to get some of it, so he headed through the fence. Milky Way, one of the goats, didn't want to share so she butted him in the head while he was trying to get through the fence. He had his head through and all 4 legs splayed out on the other side. It looked like some old cartoon! Poor guy didn't want to admit that he had been had, so he sauntered over to the barn and licked his pride.

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