Sunday, November 09, 2008

I spent a few hours with my friend again last night trying to figure out this movie thing. I was struck by how different from me he is. We were having trouble with a title not fading correctly, and he spent an hour on it! I am not exaggerating; he actually fooled with it for an hour. I was ready to try something different after 5 minutes. Couldn't we just not fade the title? Could we put a different title on the others? Could we just move on? I think at one point he wanted to yell at me, but he kept his calm. My way of handling it would have been to try titles on other frames and then maybe I would figure out what was wrong and could go back to it.
As I thought about this later, I wondered what Edison was like. Did he keep going on one thing forever, or did he try other ways and go back to it? I am pretty sure we would not have electric lights if he did it my way. I would get sick of it and try to discover a new way to cook or something, and leave the light bulb to someone else.
Hubby comes back today. I think the dog was taking advantage of his absence. She slept in our room last night. I walked in to go to bed, and I could tell there was something in the floor. I turned on the light and sent her out. About 3-4 minutes later the door was pushed open and in she came. I was so exhausted, I didn't say anything and she slept next to the bed all night. She snores.
It is hard to believe that Luke was ever this little. He has become quite a little chub lately. He really likes to jump on Pete, and the howls from Pete are hilarious. I keep encouraging Pete to smack Luke upside the head, but he is a better man than I and just goes somewhere else. Luke likes to look inside the back door and watch what is going on in the house. He and Kelly are good friends now, when the picture was taken it was still questionable.

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