Wednesday, November 05, 2008

So it took 138 years for a black man to be President from the time he could have voted. I guess that means another 50 years before women get in office. I hope it goes well. I talked about some of this this morning with #1 and we realized that Tiny Grandma was married and had 2 kids before she was allowed to vote. She wasn't 21. ----------- My children are nuts. I mean down right send-them-to-the-insane-asylum nuts. Yesterday, #2 pulled the rubber cement off of some mail, and threw it against the kitchen wall. While I was standing there. When I stuttered, "What are you doing?!" He looked at me and then realization came across his face. The look said it all, "I didn't just do that in front of her, did I?" A few minutes later, #1 was walking through the dining room and spit on the floor. He had stuck something bad in his mouth, and instinct took over I suppose. He didn't just sort of spit either; it was an honest to goodness full spit! Now #1 is pouting that he has to do work over from yesterday because it wasn't written in proper sentences. He has a slight cold, but he is milking it for all it is worth. He sniffles, tries to cough, tells me how cold he is...He even got out the thermometer and took his temperature. 98.7! Too bad it didn't work in his favor. It will be a long day. ------------ I started trying to make a movie last night on my "night off." It wasn't very relaxing. It is a little movie for our 4-H club. I was hoping to learn the system, so I can teach it to the kids and they can make their own movies. Yuck.

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