Monday, November 24, 2008

Theatre and House Repairs

Thursday was dress rehearsal, and I was part of the make-up crew. I was in charge of making people look old. These kids are 14-17 years old, and we were to make them look middle aged or more. It was sort of fun. The rehearsal went well, and the play was Friday night and Saturday afternoon. The in-laws came down to see #1 in his first big role. Actually, he has had bigger roles, but not in such a big production. He did very well. It made for a long week, and we are certainly glad it is finished, but it also was definitely a good experience for him.
This is "Matthew Cuthbert" and "Jerry" back stage in the gym waiting to go on.
"Jerry" and "Mrs. Allen" the Reverend's wife. She goes to church with us.
Make-up was one of his greatest trials. He was sure his brother would make fun of him, and that others would laugh. It did not help to tell him that it is part of the job, just like other jobs have uniforms. He did not want to go celebrate with everyone else in public.
The kids get a t-shirt with the play logo on it. They sign each other's shirts as a memento.
Of course, no visit can be complete without something going wrong. While the in-laws were here the septic alarm went off yet again. It has been doing that a lot in the last couple of months, so I had a guy come out to look at it. He couldn't come until this morning; boy was I nervous and careful with water usage the last few days! Anyway, it is the pump computer board messing up and it has to be replaced. Then last night as I was knitting, #2 pulled a bug off my shirt. He said it looks like a termite. So I guess we need to have that checked out too. That is part of remodeling we didn't figure on. Ugh.

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