Thursday, May 07, 2009

Another Friend

This Big Boy came walking down our lane yesterday. We see a turtle or two a year, and this is our second already. I wonder if we will break our record this year. This is the biggest one we have seen though.
He knew where he was headed and didn't let us or Kelly deter him from his mission. His legs and tail were enormous with saggy skin on his legs and spikes on his tail.
His plan was to cross the main road. He jumped back when a car came, but they slowed when they saw us standing there taking pictures.
We were very nervous about it, but he made it safely across. He actually moved quite quickly.
Safely on the other side, he rested in the ditch and stuck his head in the water there. Refreshing.
Another thing that is refreshing is 11 hours of sleep! I was having allergy issues the last couple of days, so last night I took a Benadryl. I was already exhausted, and the added meds with a rainy morning made the perfect mixture for some much needed rest.

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