Sunday, May 31, 2009


Yes, I am getting things done, and getting in a little rest as well. Hubby and I took in a movie this afternoon, and then I took in a little nap after that. It's Sunday; I'm allowed. I am starting to miss my boys though. I just need to see them for an hour or so, a little hug time to cuddle with my babies. But then I would be ok. I still have lots to accomplish before I will feel like I am ready to start up with "family life" again. I also think it is really important that my boys get this time with their grandparents. I grew up down the lane from my father's parents, and my mother's parents were on the other side of the county. We were there most weekends visiting them. I had a good relationship with both sets of grandparents, and now I remember the things I learned from them. Grandma S. taught me that family is most important, kneading bread is the secret to a good loaf, and how to french braid hair. Papaw S. taught me to never stop learning and to always behave myself. Grandma F. showed me that some pain can never be forgotten, always offer food to company, and how to make salad dressing. Papaw F. was the one that never knew a stranger, and showed me that a compliment or an encouraging word can go a long way. It is these memories that help me through the days without my boys (and the fact that I am keeping myself busy to not think about them). I don't know what the boys will remember their grandparents teaching, laughing, loving deeply, eat ice cream every day, who knows...but I do know that these will be special memories whatever they are.

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