Monday, May 18, 2009

Late Night Questions

I painted from 8 a.m. to about 6:45 p.m. today. I stopped for lunch and dinner and an apple snack part way through the afternoon. Let me tell you, that was a lot of painting. I started on the stairwell yesterday, and was able to get a good bit done on it. I had a ladder leaned against the lower wall and was hanging by an arm at times, trying to get to all of the corners. As I moved back on the steps I had Hubby come to hold me still. I have never been afraid of heights. At our last house I hung over the roof to paint the outside of the house before we sold it. It was a two story structure on a bank that made that side about 3 stories high. Yesterday painting the stairwell had me sweaty, heart racing, head thumping and sick to my stomach. I finished it up this morning, and Hubby helped me again. I told him I just didn't understand this reaction. His response? "You're getting older. You must finally be getting some sense." Thanks. --------- I have said it before and I will say it again, "I wish the dog would die." I do not hate her. In fact, I am fond of her. But she is a problem often enough that I wish she would leave me alone forever. Again last night she was up barking at who knows what. The last many nights she has awakened me with her barking at something out by the animals. I have lost some chickens in the last few months, so I have let her out to run off any potential threats, but last night I didn't think there was anything out there. I told her to be quiet and go to bed. Then I quietly went to bed...and lay there wide awake for a couple of hours. I finally got up and did some computer work, then headed back to bed at 5:30. Does anyone have a gun I could borrow? --------- Part of my lying awake led me down a familiar path. I have been thinking lately about how unfair this world is. A friend's baby dies, and then the next baby is terribly ill. A friend's "spiritual daughter" dies at age 23. People who want babies can't have them, while unwed young women who need serious mental help have babies. Children without parents, poverty sucking the life out of people, cancer striking the young, aged parents forgetting their children, and on and on. Why does this world have to be so unfair? Is it just to remind us that this world is not our home? Or is it because sin entered the world and destroyed the perfection God created? Is it Satan's way of destroying the faithful? I didn't find any answers last night, just more questions. I just wish this world would end for all of us so we could go home. Even the dog.

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