Friday, September 29, 2006

Exhaustion and 2 Benadryl is a deadly combination. I was up way past my bedtime last night, worked a very full day, and had horrible allergy sneezing fits. I was dead to the world after the medication took effect. Last night my children were confused. Their normally patient, gentle, and calm mother was going off the deep end. Their room was so cluttered you couldn't walk through it. I needed them to clean things out to prepare for a yard sale tomorrow. They came up with 2 puzzles. So I jumped in with both feet and we got rid of a lot. I made them clean, clean, clean, and ended at 10:00 saying we will finish this tomorrow. They have a hard time knowing what to throw away- get that after their father's side of the family- and so we had to work on what is worthy of keeping. The recycling box is nearly full now, and there are toys waiting in the hallway to be priced, but what bothers me is their attitude. They have no idea how blessed they are to have this dilemma. They don't realize how much they have they don't even know they have. They leave money lying around and don't seem to understand its worth. I know their parents have tried hard to not let that happen, but happen it did. I suppose it is one of the costs of being an American.

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