Tuesday, September 19, 2006

My husband is trying to find a time that he can make a meeting. Last week and this week he was busy every night. The busy-ness is good...spending time with the family at a 4-H campfire, being in a spiritual growth group, dinner guests...but really how do you live being busy every night? His job is structured so that he can take an afternoon Sabbath, but what about all of those people who can't? When did this happen in America? Was it the invention of the car? tv? addition of roads? Why does it seem, that even when we intentionally try to slow down, it remains nearly impossible? _____________________ I am curious, if anyone is reading this, when do you pray during the day? And what do you pray about? I started thinking today about all of the times I pray during the day. I would love to have a couple hours to just sit, meditate, and pray, but I don't. So my prayers are on the run, or the first 20 minutes as I wake, during times of stress- what you might call "counting to 10". I pray during my walks about the neighborhood that is developing next to us. Today I met one of the neighbors that moved in this weekend. Hopefully we can develop a relationship.

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