Monday, June 02, 2008

I am trying to wait on God, but sometimes he is so slow. We have a gap in children's ages at church that means that #2 will be the only kid in his class at church in the fall. I am praying for kids to move in before then, but knowing the way God has acted in the past, they probably won't come until the last Sunday in August. I have been noticing that this town is changing. We have only been here 3 years, but it already has a diffeent feel to it. A lot of "foreigners" are moving in---that would be people who weren't raised here. This is a churchy part of the world, and the first question after "What's your name?" is "Where do you go to church?" But that has been changing with people moving in and I am not sure that others have recognized it yet. I am meeting more people this year who don't know about Jesus than I have in the 3 years before. I hope we are up to the challenge. As I talked with a friend yesterday at church, he told me that he knows a guy at work that homeschools his kids because there is too much religion in the public schools. Wow. That isn't something you hear very often. I know a lot of people who homeschool because you DON'T hear enough about religion in the schools. I guess you can't please everyone. ---------- We have separated one of the baby goats from the rest because he is capable of impregnating the older goats now. It is so sad to listen to him crying for his mother and sisters. He has been separated 2 days now and he has lost his voice. It breaks my heart. Tough love.

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