Friday, June 13, 2008

Smoke is everywhere. I have lived lots of places with "weather conditions." We have been in Tornado Alley, Blizzard Blvd, and now Hurricane Haven, but I have never lived where fire was a danger. The whole county is covered in smoke, and has been for 3 days. The huge wildfire in the very eastern part of NC has sent its smoke to visit us with the changing winds. I feel wheezy in my chest, and I don't want to be outside. I feel sorry for the animals; Kelly is the lucky one who gets to stay inside. I'll be taking advantage of the poor conditions to start scraping paint in the living room. ---------- I have a formal interview on Tuesday. I am to bring my own book and read to young children and lead a discussion. I think I can handle that easily as I have always loved reading to children. I still read to my boys at night. I think it is one of their favorite parts of the day. On more than one occasion, a book that they found boring on their own took on new life when I read it.

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