Tuesday, June 03, 2008

I was milking Mary last week when #2 and his friend showed up. They saw the way I tie her down, and #2 said, "Gee, you're really cruel." Today she got her leg untied on the second round (teat) and kicked over the cup, so less milk. Ugh. She really burns my britches sometimes. -------- We have a new kitten. Yesterday, a man showed up on the doorstep asking if we have a kitten. No. Is the black and white dog yours? Yes. Well she had this kitten out on the road throwing it in the air and onto the road. That's our Kelly. So now we have a kitten, named Luke, and he is teeny tiny. I guess he is 4-5 weeks old. He just clings to you if you pick him up. Hope he survives. -------- We have thought of a job for #2! When the boys are 12 we have told them they will have to have some type of job. We have had trouble thinking of things since delivering papers is not an option. Then the other day it hit me for #2, trees! He loves to climb trees. So we are going to plant a little orchard for him and he can sell things at the farmer's market. It will take a few years to get production going, so he has to start now when he is 9. We have an appointment at the Agricultural Center next week for him to find out what will do best. He was so excited about it...His face lit up when he thought about climbing all of those trees!

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