Thursday, June 12, 2008

My kids have asked me before why we don't have lots and lots of money. I told them that evidently God knows we would have trouble handling it and He is saving us from that trouble. I have a relative who hordes money. He has a lot of money, but rarely spends any of it. He makes many frugal decisions that I quite agree with. When he travels he takes a cooler along with him instead of always eating at restaurants. He takes a long time to consider all of the options before making large purchases. He is very wise when it comes to spending. But you get the feeling that the money owns him instead of him being the owner. I also have friends who acknowledge that they spend money unwisely. They quickly run out to eat or go to a movie, when they really have enough food at home to eat, and have other bills to pay off. When it comes to credit cards, they are "Quick-Draw McGraw." The economy owns their money and they just visit it occasionally. This year they have decided to change their habits and pay off their debt, sticking to a budget. They describe the relief of paying off those cards as a wonderful thing. They are starting to own their money. I have been following an interesting conversation the past week or so about how much money is enough to pay a minister. Answers have varied and some have been quite thought provoking. But the best answers have to do with attitude. What does the minister do with the money that he receives? Is he known as a generous man? Does he pay his bills? Is he a big spender with lots of flash? I think those are wise questions for anyone to ask. As some of you receive your government tax money this summer, what questions will you be asking?

1 comment:

Amy S. Grant said...

I like your questions about ministers. Really all of us who follow Jesus would do well to ask ourselves those same questions.