Thursday, June 05, 2008

I went out to milk this morning and saw a flash of yellow down run behind the barrel in the goat pen. Sure enough, the chicks are hatching! At least 2 have hatched so far and she was sitting on 6. The second one is brown. While I was milking I could hear the chipping and cracking of the egg shells. What a miracle! It is good to be able to save both goats' milk now. I got a quart this morning that didn't get kicked or stepped in. I am only milking once a day right now. The mothers are still nursing the girls. I had a thought yesterday to put the girls in with the boys, since they aren't old enough to get pregnant, but Jameson chased Emma around so much and panted and bit her that I took them back out. There isn't any grass in the chicken coop where I keep the girls at night, so they will get the privilege of continuing to nurse. #1 slept a couple of hours yesterday morning. He NEVER does that, so I knew he wasn't faking and really was sick. I am doing a good bit better today and he told me he is feeling somewhat better as well. Good. It is short-lived.

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