Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I often feel like God puts me on hold until the last second. He once waited until we had $75 left before Hubby received a job. But this week God seems to be full steam ahead. I take care of 3 brothers three days a week. This has definitely been an answer to prayer. I have always wanted more children, and these were dropped in my lap 3 years ago. However, they will not need me after next year, and though the loss of a paycheck would not cripple us, it would definitely hurt. So I started praying recently that God would find the perfect job for me next year to replace this one. Enter God on a sugar rush. Almost immediately I saw an email from a friend about a possible teaching position that is half day. It was originally posted with the possibility of it being a job share and so I was very interested. Then I discovered that option was no longer on the table. So I had to think really hard. I talked to a couple of friends who thought that it would work out alright for us. I talked it over and over with my husband, and finally we decided that I should apply. So I had an "informal interview" this morning at 8:00. I felt like it went well, and was asked to come back Tuesday for a formal interview. That will be a short time with some Kindergarten aged children, an interview with the other Kindergarten and First Grade teachers, and another interview with the Headmaster. They are hoping to make a decision by the end of next week, and definitely by the end of June. There is one other person interviewing. I am not nervous about it. I told this story to the headmaster today, and told him I really only expect God to take care of this; it isn't my doing in any way. As for you, my readers, you can pray that God's plan will be obvious to us as we still believe it is best for our family to homeschool and this will add more stress to our family. I think we are ready to move on to this new stage, but apprehension is present.

1 comment:

Amy S. Grant said...

I'm glad the interview went well today. Sounds like you weren't nervous! I am hoping for the best for you guys.

This job would be a big change for your family. We are there and we understand!