Thursday, June 19, 2008

The kids have been going to VBS this week at a church down the road. Our church isn't offering one. #1 started the week off by saying he didn't want to go and why did I sign him up for this? We told him he could stay home and help sand the living room, but he opted for VBS. The first day he said it was "so-so," the next it was fun, and then he prayed that they not sleep late so they can get all their work done and be at VBS! I guess he is glad I signed him up after all. I took #5 to the summer free movie yesterday with a friend and her youngest. The older kids were upset that they didn't get to go to the movie, but the youngest ones couldn't go to VBS, so it was a fair trade. I am considering going to another free one today, but I also need to catch up on some work, so it may get skipped. I plan to go to the appliance store today or tomorrow. They are having a sale, and I would like to have a dishwasher again- other than myself. I have done my research, but I might change my mind still. More on that later.

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