Tuesday, August 26, 2008

One of our televisions broke this week. It was constantly on, and disrupted dinner quite often, so I can't say that I am too upset. Although, the picture was great, and there weren't any abrasive commercials, or words that I would rather not have enter the house. The television was made of spider silk, and the star actor was a huge orb weaver. It had made a web right outside the dining room window. Every time someone walked by, they would comment on the spider or web, what had been caught, what was going on... It was very entertaining. Hubby broke the web down when he noticed a bunch of other spiders in a web just below it. We didn't want to be overrun. We have a lot of that type television around here. The other famous one is the rabbit hutch turned chicken nursery. The chicks are getting big, and need to come out at the end of the week. Kelly and Luke love to watch the chicks; they seem to be counting the days until the chicks are freed. As soon as I open the gate, Kelly runs in and startles all of the chicks. Then she sits and watches, shaking all the while. Another great tv is my bedroom window. It looks out on the barnyard, and we often watch the goat antics from there. It is also great for spying on the kids! Last week we watched #2 staring into a tree looking at birds. So we aren't much for late night tv, or crazy reality shows, but we have the best reality tv right here at home.

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