Monday, August 04, 2008

Our animals are all messed up. The duck thinks he is a rooster, and he guards the hens and chases down the rooster. He can even catch the rooster by the tail and bite him. This is a rooster with 2 inch spurs, too! The chickens and dog eat the goats' food, the cats eat the dog's food, the dog eats the cats' food, and the goats stand by the gate hoping I will dump out some human food. Actually all of the animals stay near the fence when they see me walk out with the compost bucket. I used to try to actually compost, but the animals kept getting into it. So now we have a compost bucket that gets fed to the animals. I guess it turns into manure and is then composted, so it all works out in the "end." Sorry about that. ------- You really have to be careful what you say around these children. #2 heard this at the wedding last week and told it to my mother this morning. "The wedding isn't for the bride and groom. It's for the family. The honeymoon is for the bride and groom."

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