Monday, June 25, 2007

A friend asked yesterday if I had heard the wives' tale of hanging a snake in a tree to make it rain. No I had never heard that one, but he says some people are trying it the last couple of weeks. I haven't hung any of the snakes we have had, but if it would work I suppose I would do it. It looks like rain often, but nothing ever falls. The garden looks pitiful, though I am starting to get some produce...beans, squash and zucchini. I took the boys on a bear hunt this morning. According to the neighbors there is a mother black bear and cub(s) in our back lot. We went driving back there to look, but didn't see anything. There are a couple of ponds back there and I imagine that the bears are looking for water there. Our own pond is dry as a bone, but it isn't lined yet, so I guess that is ok. We need to dig more out of it, but somehow we just don't seem to have the time. All I do is work, and it still never gets done. I don't know how people who work full-time get anything done.

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