Thursday, June 21, 2007

So yesterday I was cleaning the bathroom. You may think that means cleaning the toilet and sink. Yes, that was involved, but mostly it meant washing the walls down. Now there are sections of the wall that I wash every week with Clorox just because there are 5 boys using that bathroom regularly. But yesterday, it was mud that I was washing off of the walls. There was mud on every wall, door frame, door, and cabinet. Not big hunks of it, but droplets of muddy water splashed everywhere. I am 5' 7", not a short woman by any standards, and I had to stand on top of the toilet to reach some of it. When #5 came in to ask what I was doing, I told him about the mud and showed him where it was. He responded with, "Yes, it shot up there. I was washing my feet and it just shot right up there." I have no idea if that was true, it could be, but it sure is fun to have boys. Even if it means washing muddy walls.

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