Monday, June 18, 2007

Kelly has spent the last hour or so barking, so here I am bright and early. Now of course, she is lying on the front porch, content to lick the dew off of her legs. The next time we get a dog, it will be one with a small yappy voice so as not to wake a person through the night. Actually, I am glad for her since she can scare away most varmints that might want a bite of chicken for dinner. My dad lost his whole flock of chickens to a coon this past week. He trapped it and now it is no more. #2 is out in the tent. He wanted to sleep out by the pond, and then spend the whole day outside and sleep out again tonight. He likely will achieve that goal. When I saw him on Tuesday after camp, I asked how it was. "The usual, except they kept us cooped up inside the whole time." My friend who had picked him up said she knew they had been outside for at least half an hour, and they were only there for 4 hours, so he definitely needs to get outside. I need to remember that when school starts. We are reading On the Banks of Plum Creek now before bed. Last night's reading had Laura saying she would rather catch fish than go to school. I thought that is my boy's attitude. Yesterday was Father's Day. My own father spent it in the hay field. My father-in-law travelled to see his other son. My husband got to go to a nice lunch at the Mongolian Grill, and then come home and lie around. Actually, I don't think he enjoyed it as much as he would have liked. I had a fever and aches and so I was a bit of a downer on his special day. I did start to feel a bit better by evening and managed to make his present-- a blackberry pie. #2 wanted to know why I didn't make a pumpkin pie instead. "Daddy doesn't like pumpkin." "Well, then, could you make both? I don't like blackberry." Then he suggested that is what I can do for Brother's Day. --------- I spent Saturday in the garden weeding and hoeing. Then Saturday evening I started not feeling well. It seems that every time I spend a lot of time in the garden, I get sick. It feels like my strep flares up. Does any one know if I could be picking up strep from the soil? --------- Saturday also found us back in the milk business. Millie had twins; a boy and a girl. The boy is dark brown with a black stripe down his back, and the girl is gray and white spotted with a few small brown spots. Elvis seems to be proud of them and isn't bothering them as I had feared. Some friends came to visit them and were confused as to how Elvis could be a brother to his children!

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