Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Well #2 stayed out most of the day yesterday, and he did spend the night out again. It was too hot to spend the whole day out though. He is interested in finding shark's teeth now. The last neighbors on the lane have a pile of gravel that has shells and shark's teeth in it. He goes back there and collects. He has been taking other kids along with him. He seems to know what type of shark a lot of the teeth come from. He even picked up sting ray teeth. #1 is happy to stay inside and read. I really messed up yesterday. I thought #1 had kayaking day camp. So I got him out of bed, sprayed down with sunscreen, and on his way with his dad. Then hubby called to ask are you sure it is today, because no one is here. Sure enough, I had forgotten that the date had been changed to next week. I felt so badly about it, and so insane. I seem to be forgetting things a lot lately. Another rabbit died yesterday. I didn't think it would be too hot for it to handle now. I still don't know for sure. It may have been too hot to move out of the way and got laid on too much. The other rabbits, as stupid as this sounds, lay on each other when they are hot. The boys seem to be growing again. We are going through milk and cereal like nobodie's business. I remember my brother doing the same thing when we were young. I guess I have to start going to the store more often.

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