Monday, June 11, 2007

I just dropped #2 off for the start of his camp. He is going to a museum for Astronomy day camp with a friend. He and his friend will be taking turns staying at friends' houses so that it will feel like a sleep away camp. They will be here tonight and Weds. night. They spend Thursday night at the planetarium and he is very excited about that. They are going to do some "real" astronaut training in a pool then. You should have seen his face light up at that news. #1 starts camp on Weds. and his is sleep-away camp. So hubby and I get Tuesday and Thursday evenings for dates!! YeeHaw!! I still have my "extra" chuildren M/W/Th so it isn't a lot of time off, but a date sure sounds good. We went to Sunday in the Park last evening. We didn't get to go last week because of the weather. Yesteday was a "Big Band" type of sound. The weather was actually quite cool, and it was nicce to sit and visit. The kids had fun finding a couple of friends to run around with, too. I love Sunday in the Park.

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