Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The Economics Seminar is going well. Yesterday was the class for K-2; I had forgotten how funny teaching Kindergarten is. As we talked about specialization, we discussed what our parents do for a living. I liked the one that said, "My Dad talks on the phone a lot." Her dad is a real estate agent. Today I had 20 students grades 2-5 and they seemed to have a good time and catch on to the concepts well. Tomorrow the students are to bring an item to exchange with other children as we learn about markets. I had no idea this would be such an ordeal. "Do we have to?" "Can we have it back?" "I can't find anything." They don't want to part with any of their things. Perhaps materialism is the lesson we will learn. --------------- Tails. They sure are cute. In the mornings when the kids get let out of the coop, they run to Millie and wag as fast as they can while they gulp down the milk. The ducks waggle their tails as they eat up the corn that the goats drop. Kelly bangs her tail on the floor whenever you pass by in hopes of a belly rub. The cats twitch their tails to show annoyance or disapproval. A friend was telling me the other day about her daughter- age 3- that walked in on Dad as he came out of the shower. "Mommy! Daddy has a tail!" That's going to take a while to explain!

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