Thursday, August 02, 2007

The kids are off to camp for the day. They are participating in a 4-H day camp. They are going to Bath to learn about the oldest NC town and to learn about Blackbeard, who stayed there a while and married the town leader's daughter. Then they go to Goose Creek Park to go seining in the river/estuary. This is one of the camps that they have looked forward to all summer. We picked up friends who were also going to the camp. They don't live too far from us, thankfully. #2's shoe broke while we were picking them up, so we had to drive back down here to get new shoes before going to camp. Just love that little extra bit of stress! So now I have the day to get some school work done and to meet my husband for an early movie. Of course, I was up last night not feeling well, so I took a medicine that has knocked me for a loop. I think the day's activities will include a little nap. ------------- Last night my group's topic was laughter. We spent a lot of time laughing as well. It was good. Then Honey had a movie to watch, and I felt badly saying it is 10:00 are you nuts?! So I watched the movie with him. It was very full of sexual inuendoes, but funny, funny, funny. I think Honey enjoyed my laughter more than the movie.

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