Sunday, August 05, 2007

I was embarrassed today. I could feel my face turn pink. Hubby announced to the church that I had won the grant to teach economics. He never says anything personal from the "pulpit" (we don't actually have a pulpit), and it took me by surprise. I'm glad to know he is proud of me. He even looked up how many winners there were, something I hadn't done. There were only 2 in NC, so I guess that speaks well of me. ______ We finished The Long Winter, and are now on Little Town on the Prairie. The Long Winter intrigued me. I can't imagine that happening now. We would get food to those in isolation, no matter the weather. Katrina showed us that it might take a few days, but it certainly didn't take 7 months! People nowadays wouldn't know what to do if the food didn't come with directions of "add water and 2 TBS of margarine." Anyway, it has had me curious. The indian's warning was this happens every 21 years- a really, really bad winter. That means that last winter, 2006-2007, would actually have been time for the bad winter. I don't remember hearing anything about it. I wonder how much global warming has affected that. -------- Tomorrow starts my first day camp. It is environmental studies and has a lot of experiments. I hope I have everything together. I feel like I do. So today, as much as I don't like to on Sundays, we are cleaning house. I spent yesterday helping with the church Water Day, and then finishing up the planning for the economics seminar. So that left today for the "dirty work." Since #1 had no clean underwear this morning, it also meant doing a load of laundry. I have no idea where his underwear went. I gave him a bunch to put away on Tuesday. He either hid it really well (I have looked too) or he just stuck it all back in the dirty hamper so he wouldn't have to put it away. Who knows. Maybe this will teach him to take care of his laundry when he is to put it away. Probably not, clean underwear is not that important to a 10 year old boy.

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