Monday, August 20, 2007

One of the funny things that happened while camping: We went swimming at the beach for an hour before getting ready for our play. After swimming, I told the kids they had to shower so we could go to the drama. Alex, 6 years old, was obviously not happy about this. I sent him in with his sister to help get the sand and seaweed off. I heard his sister say, "It's not so bad. You don't have to get all your body in, just stick in the sandy parts." Then in a joyous voice Alex responded, "Hey! No soap either!" The world would be a lot stinkier if there weren't any women. -------------- Tonight ended up being guys' night out, but I joined them for dinner. Then we went our separate ways: me to grocery shop, and them to the library and store. At dinner I told them we had big news for them. "Actually," I said, "Your father has big news for you." Their response was as if I had said we are having another baby! Their faces were shocked, their mouths hung open, and their words were incomprehensible. The news? Kelly is to be an indoor dog now. This is my husband's decision, but I guess I have to go along with it. She has been visiting the neighborhood across the field from us. It started as a place to go when we were out of town. I think she would get lonely and scared during storms. Then she started visiting when we would just go for a night, and we are starting to wonder if she is visiting while we go to the store. One of the neighbors stopped me the other day as I picked her up. She has been trying to get in their house through their doggie door. So in order to keep her from bothering others, she is to be a house pet. The guys went to get shampoo and flea medicine this evening. The boys are happy to have her stay in their room now, and #1 wanted to know if she can sleep in his bed. He is on the top bunk! I guess washing the dog can now be added to my list of chores.

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