Saturday, August 04, 2007

I have a friend who recently moved with her family to Ohio. She is very unhappy with the move. It was a good move for the husband's work environment, but it hasn't been so great for the family. They moved to a town of about 3,000. There are few homeschoolers, and those she has found have been isolationists. They don't want to be in groups or to have friends. She went to a support meeting a couple of nights ago, and the women weren't allowed to talk unless their husbands gave permission. They all wore blue denim jumpers too! That tells you something right there! We are so very blessed to be here where home schooling is so well supported. We have great friends and we all work together. The boys really enjoyed their geography co-op yesterday. This coming week, I am teaching a day camp at my house on the Environment. That will be our school for the week, and other kids will be joining us. Then the next week I am teaching a seminar all week on Economics. That will have even more kids at it, and again it will be our school for the week. I would hate to be going this journey alone. ----- Geography did go well. The boys practiced their speeches several times before we left. It was so cute to hear #2 practicing aloud as if he were there with his friends. He kept making comments like they were there. They enjoyed making the foods too. We made cheese stuffed focaccia from Italy and lavosh from Spain. Lavosh is a crispy sesame seed flat bread.

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